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Fr, 28. März 2025

Fr, 28. März 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

Just A Normal Mummy

 von Helen Wallen

ISBN: 978-1-473-66171-4
Systematik: R 82
Verlag: London : Hodder
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
R 82
Wallen, Helen:
Just A Normal Mummy : Baby Boom! / Helen Wallen. - 1. Auflage. - London : Hodder, 2018. - 438 Seiten

ISBN 978-1-473-66171-4 kart. GBP 7,99


No one said the journey to motherhood was easy...
Increased face-girth, back acne and gagging every time she's in the presence of vegetables isn't quite the beautiful start Emily had planned for her unborn baby...
Molly's unexpected pregnancy somehow turns her boyfriend into the pretentious-vegan-nut-milk-enforcer, but she breezes it, as she breezes everything. (Including still being able to eat avocados, much to Emily's annoyance.)
Liz quickly realises that if she's to move her life on, she needs to get rid of the married man she's in love with - especially now she's realised he's been hiding more than his wedding ring...