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Mo, 24. Februar 2025

Mo, 24. Februar 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

Where Rainbows End

 von Cecelia Ahern

ISBN: 0-00-716501-3
Systematik: R 82
Verlag: London : Harper Collins Publisher
Erscheinungsjahr: 2005
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
R 82
Ahern, Cecelia:
Where Rainbows End / Cecelia Ahern. - 13. Auflage. - London : Harper Collins Publisher, 2005. - 584 Seiten

ISBN 0-00-716501-3 kart. GBP 6,99

Übers. des HS: Für immer vielleicht


Since childhood, Rosie and Alex have stuck by each other through thick and thin. But they're suddenly separated when Alex and his family move from Dublin to America. Rosie is lost without him. Then, just as she is about to join Alex in Boston, she gets life-changing news - news that will keep her at home in Ireland.

Their magical connection remains but can their friendship survive the years and miles - as well as new relationships? And always at the back of Rosie's mind is whether they were meant to be more than just good friends all along. Misunderstandings, circumstances and sheer bad luck have kept them apart - until now. But will they gamble everything - including their friendship - on true love? And what twists and surprises does fate have in store for them this time...?