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So, 09. März 2025

So, 09. März 2025

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Piece by Piece

 von Katie Melua

Systematik: TM 712
Verlag: Dramatico Records
Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
                                        TM 712  Melua, Katie
Melua, Katie:
Piece by Piece. - Dramatico Records, 2006 + Special Bonus
Edition: + DVD

Doppel-CD EUR 13,99


Shy boy ; Nine million bicycles ; Piece by Piece ; Halfway
up the Hindu Kush ; Blues in the night ; Spider's web ;
Blue shoes ; On the road again ; Thankyou, stars ; Just
like heaven ; I cried for you ; I do believe in Love ; It's
only pain ; Lucy in the sky with diamonds ; Sometimes when
I'm dreaming DVD: Piece by Piece - Moment by Moment ; Nine
million bicycles ; I cried for you ; Spider's web