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So, 23. Februar 2025

So, 23. Februar 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

My fair Lady

 von Frederick Loewe, Adrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison

Systematik: TM 324
Verlag: CBS
Erscheinungsjahr: 1964
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
TM 324
Loewe, Frederik:
My fair Lady : Original Soundtrack Recording Warner Bros
Pictures prestens "My fair Lady" / Rex Harrison; Stanley
Holloway Audrey Hepburn. - CBS, 1964
Text: Alan Jay Lerner. Dir.: André Previn.
NE: Hepburn, Adrey ; Harrison, Rex
CD DEM 23,75


Ouvertüre/ Why can't the english?/ Wouldn't it be
loverly/I'm just an ordinary man/Whit a little bit of
luck/Just you wait/The rain in Spain/ I could have danced
all night/Ascot Gavotte7On the street where you live/You do
it/Show me/Get me to the chu on time/A hymn to him/Without
you/I've grown accustomed to her face