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So, 23. Februar 2025

So, 23. Februar 2025

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Evita - the movie

 von Antonio Banderas, Madonna, Andrew Lloyd Webber

Systematik: SOUNDTRACK
Verlag: Warner Bros.Records Inc.
Erscheinungsjahr: 1996
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
                                        SOUNDTRACK  EVITA
Webber, Andrew Lloyd:
Evita - the movie : Music from the Motion Picture / Andrew Lloyd Webber. - Warner Bros.Records Inc, 1996
NE: Webber, Andrew Lloyd ; Madonna ; Banderas, Antonio

CD DM 37,95

TM 350 ; TM 324
Requiem for Evita/Oh what a Circus/On this night of a thousand stars/Eva and Magaldi/Buenos Aires/Another suitcase in another hall/Goodnight and thank you/ I'd be surprisingly good for you/Peron's latest flame/A new Argentina/Don't cry for me Argenti
High flying,Adored/Rainbow high/And the money kept rolling in/She is a Diamond/Waltz for Eva and Che/You must love me/Eva's final broadcast/ Lament