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Di, 01. April 2025

Di, 01. April 2025

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Twilight-Saga - Twilight

 von Carter Burwell

Systematik: SOUNDTRACK
Verlag: Summit Entertainment
Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
                                        SOUNDTRACK  TWILIGHT

Twilight-Saga - Twilight : the score. - Summit Entertainment, 2008. - (Twilight-Saga , 1)
NE: Burwell, Carter ; GT

CD DM 17,99

Biss zum Morgengrauen

TM 350
1. How i would die / 2. Who are they? / 3. Treaty / 4. Phascination Phase / 5. Humans are predators too / 6. I dreamt of Edward
7. I know what you are / 8. the most dangerous Preadator / 9. The skin of a Killer / 10. The Lion Fell in Love with the lamb
11. Complications / 12. Dinner with his Family / 13. I would be the meal / 14. Bella's Lullaby / 15. Nomads / 16. Stuck here like Mom
17. Bella is part of the Family / 18. Tracking / 19. in place of someone you love / 20. Showdown in the Ballett Studio / 21. Edward at her Bed