Future Trance. Vol.25
Verlag: Universal Marketing Group
Erscheinungsjahr: 2003
TM 711
Future Trance. Vol.25 / Scooter; Rocco; Magic D.;
Starsplash; 89ers; Special D.; Styleshaker; Marc Acardip ;
Hardbody Babes; Frankie Jones; Mark O'h; DJ Ross; Punk
Freakz;Jens O.; Drunkenmunky; Bass-Test;. - Universal
Marketing Group, 2003
Doppel-CD EUR 21,99
DJ Gollum; Haddaway; Planet Punk; DJ Quicksilver; Safri
Duo; Lichtenfels; Baracuda; Jan Wayne; DJ Yanny; DJ Lee;
Marilyn; DH Shog; ATB;
Blank & Jones; Paul van yk; Driftwood; Marc et Claude;
Jush; Push
Maria/ Generation of love/ History/Fly away/Kingston
Town/Home alone/Breaking my heart/Alive/Goin' crazy/The
summer/Stuck on you/Lonely/ keep your head straight/Man on
the mic/The bootleg/Tune up/Don't you want me/Take my
heart/What is love/Bang the boy/ The magic key/Fallin'
high/Sounds like a melody/I leave the world today/Won't
forget these day/Path tp paradise