Country Collection
Verlag: Arcade Handels GmbH
Erscheinungsjahr: 1994
TM 420 USA
Country Collection / Ray Charles Kenny Rogers; Freddy
Fender; John Denver; Lynn Anderson; James Taylor; Olivia
Newton John; Elvis Costello;Bellamy Brothers; Crystal
Gayle; Johnny Cash; Patsy Cline; Roger Miller; Nancy
Sinatra; Telly Savalas; Glen CampbellDolly Parton. - Arcade
Handels GmbH, 1994
CD DM 39,95
Ruby don't take your love to town/ beforde the next
teardrop falls/ Calypso/ Rose garden/ You've got a friend/
Take me home country roads/ Good year for the roses/ Let
your love flow/ Don't it make my brown eyes blue/ Folsom
prison Blues/ Crazy/ King the road/ Jackson/ Some broken
hearts never mind/ Rhinestone cowboy/ I just can't help
believing/ Blanket on the ground/ Garden party/ Making
believe/ Crying time7 I'll have to say I love you in a song